My sanity is most people’s crazy; my crazy is most people’s sanity. I'm a complete contradiction; I'm irony's irony. When I get depressed I become a quite, reserved, and neurotic. I question my own actions, and over think how others judge me. When I'm sane, I'm loud, aggressive, generally I ignore rational thoughts and typical how to fit into social normals. When I feel sanity when following the words of Dr. Suess, “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” The past winter I have been normal my socitalial views. And insane by my own thought pattern. It's pretty easy to get SAD when you face strong, cold and windy North Dakotan winter. It's hard to stay positive when I'm locked indoors or a classroom or having to deal with morning lifts, cutting weight, and wrestling practice.
With each day of spring the sun comes out warm up my soul. It is the solar fuel bring back good old RSND and my shanggains. Which is me messing with the good old honky dorky people of Fargo in a devils advocate sort of way. Now onto the stories, the real reason why your reading this blog. Side Note -(If you feel that this blog is too wordy Thursday is by far the best day to read.)
- was a fun day. After I cleaned up a spare bedroom at my bedroom in preparations for Easter. In doing this I had found 4 pack snappers. For those who didn't have a great childhood, Snappers are the white popcorn balls like fireworks that you throw on the floor that causes a flash while and snap. On Tuesday before school I had discovered that I had kept them in the front pocket of my flannel jacket. I made the decision that it would be a great to throw them at people on campus. I was right. As I was walking by people I would throw them at there feet. Most people facial reactions could be broken down into 2 parts. The first part is shock, "What that a Snapper." Then follow by joy, "OMG! Who brings a snapper? That's really funny Becky!" I had the fortune of running into a group of Asians on campus. I threw 5 snappers at once, One daring Asians actually ask where he could get some. I told him on only in the summer, but I let him throw one. He then proved that Asians love fireworks.
- After running out fireworks I had to find a new way to entertain myself in the land of milk and honey. I was walking across a main street to campus. At which time I was crossing during a red light. I had about 30 seconds and ½ a block down a car coming. I ran across in the street in manner that could only be described as David Hasselof cross with a gay autistic child. I did a slow motion run with my legs flaring out; much like your legs looks when you’re coming down on the swings. I then stopped abruptly in the middle of street with a dramatic head turn to see how close the car was from hitting me. By this time it was about 20 feet. I then planted my arm out and yelled stop! To which the car decreased speed. I went back to my autistic flamboyant Baywatch run, till I made it safely across the street. I then walked nonchalantly as if it was nothing out of the ordinary. Mind you at this time it was at 12 pm, peak campus student hours. The Look on the faces who watch me cross the street was t priceless. There faces resemble strait shock no body understood I was joking.
Later that day in the lunchroom I had chosen to go to the sandwich bar to make a ham and Swiss cheese sandwich. After looking at my cheese I notice that were was not any holes in my cheese. After this careful observation, I had gotten into a debate with the sandwich bar lunch lady over the authenticity of my Swiss cheese. In stone cold face and with a soft inquiring voice I said, "Um Miss, there is no holes in my Swiss, are you sure that this Swiss cheese?" She responded in a startled yet confident voice, "Well of course this is Swiss? "Then why are 2 slices hole less this must my an imposter!" She then hands me 2 new slices with holes and says in a stern voice, "I don't think so, I made the label.” (That sits above the sneezegard.)"
I then shouted, "THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE HIGHLANDER." Thus implying that I am the real Drew. He then started to talk shit saying that I had split beer on my shirt. Which was true, I normal chug out of glasses and not red party cups. I didn't spill to my throat closing and like a wave came out and hit me. It was that they’re too wide to get my full mouth around and it was seepage from the left side of the cup. It he was really considered he would have wanted a rematch. After his de-crowning, his mouth utter some other trash talk mixed some of his personal accolades in attempt to gain back some of his lost Pride and Ego. I fired back with a line to which he had no come back and stormed out of the house to the bonfire. "Oh that’s nice, but you have a mural of your self hanging in your high school?"
After five minutes later he came back and interrupted a girl that I was macking on to inform me of this,
"You should be talking about high glory days in college, that’s so not cool. Everyone was laughing at what you said!"
I fired back with,
"AHH Yeah it was funny." He then goes
"NO its not funny bring up high school bs!"
I slyly fired back with,
"Well if they weren't laughing at what I said they must have been lacking at your lack of a comeback. Now excuse me, I'm talking to somebody else now."
To which he then walked way with tail between his legs.
I then was engaging into conversation with a girl who not only had the great looks, but also could process some inner potential. Things were going great, until she found out that I was an Art Major in Fargo North Dakota. She was from the Duluth and apparently made the mistake of coming to NDSU. Which she viewed as one hipster typically views North Dakota. Which was fine I can completely empathize how one feel that way. After hearing that I was an Art major she felt obligated to convert to U to M Duluth. Side Note- (I have no personal Angst against Duluth, its lovely place and I have friends that go there.) The problem started when this female pretentious hipster, was lying and pulling shit out her ass to rip on NDSU art program. Side Note- (High Plains Reader has a great article, Arts North Dakota
The Argument goes as follows.
FPH (female pretentious hipster): Why do you go to NDSU bland and boring art center? You need to you go to Duluth.
RSND: Well, I wrestle here, and secondly NDSU's Renaissance Hall is great art college. And we have decent a museum and plenty of galleries.
FPH: No, it’s not! It’s lame dull and boring in Fargo. Duluth you actually have to pay to Museum.
RSND: So you have been to Plains Art Museum?
FPH: Yeah?
RSND: Oh then you would know you have pay to get in? So you lied to me.
FPH: Well, how can you find inspiration in such a dull place and people that lack personality?
(Thought hard then replied)
RSND: First off Duluth isnt the butting cultural center of the world. Secondly, when you’re surrounded by the "plainess" it forces the inspiration to come from with in. It’s easier to spot lit candles in a dark ally, than it is to spot candles during a brightly sunny day on the North Shore. And when you think you finally close to lit candle the wind from Lake Superior blows it out. IE you.
I then got up and walked away.
Another example of art. Rich Thomasson
who I have seen at work first hand.
Friday- Dressed like a stoner and messed with people enjoying shitty cover bands "Thunderstock."
Played fake beer pong for alcohol awareness. I won a shirt with a red cup on it that says, "One Less!"
Which I intend to use at parties to play the role of condescending asshole. By telling drunken douches may you should have one less.
Saturday- Chilled
Sunday- Wrestling Banquet, grilled and drank 6 pack of Fat Tire.
Monday- Wrote this Blog.
In Closing,
Dan Olsen of Radio On put it best in the song, Whiskey Mountain when saying the "Sun Never Seems as Bright with out the Rain." I would even venture farer in saying The Sun Never Seems as Bright with out a North Dakotan Winter. Thanks for reading this entire if you get this far. It was wordy but worth getting off my chest.